Thursday, September 10, 2015

Name Card - Empathize

1. Stuck on Desert Island?: I would bring along a solar generator with two power outlets, one for wifi, other for phone/computer charger, phone and computer, infinite sunscreen
2. Rain or Sun: Rain
3. Weirdest Food: lots of liver, chicken feet, escargot
4. City: Fremont
5. Games: War Thunder, World of Tanks Blitz
6. Childhood Memory: 1 year old, balanced apple on hand
7. Day or Night: depends
8. Vacation: France-food, scenery
9. What Language: French
10. Music: Rap, R&B, Hip Hop

1 comment:

  1. You're a good artist, but there's only one thing here. I know you said you didn't know so just add some stuff in.
