Thursday, January 14, 2016


For Loop:

It is a fixed repetition loop. It will run the given number of times no matter how the body of for loop code changes the values of the variables.

If you have a constant (e.g. max students) you can run the For Loop for that many times. You can change the value of the constant. Every year you can change the value of Max Students.

The counter value increases or decreases depending upon the for loop min, max, incremented or decremented values automatically as states per requirement - no separate statement is made within the body of for loop.

A separate variable is needed most times to run a For Loop.

A For Lop can also start with a maximum value and decrease each time the body of the loop is executed.

While Loop:

While loop can have various conditions and they can be joined (AND OR). The control enters the loop body only when the condition is met. If the condition is not met, the control goes to the statement within the while loop changes the criteria and that actually moves the control out and to the statements that are following the end of the while loop body.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Input and Output Devices

Input Devices
-Digital Cameras
-Barcode Reader
-MIDI Keyboard
-Magnetic Key Cards
-Electronic Whiteboard
-Video Capture Hardware

Output Devices
-LCD Projection Panels
-Computer Output Microfilm


The power button consists of a 0 and a 1 within the circle (hence the semi-circle with the line in it). The zero stands for the off section, while the one stands for the on section of it.

Binary: The main language of a computer. How it receives and executes commands. Consists of a 0 and a 1, and each command consists of eight 0's and 1's in a certain order, unique to each command, letter, number, etc.

Bits and Bytes: A bit is a single unit (0 or a 1) and is arranged to form bytes. A byte is a form of memory unit (gigabyte, terabyte, etc.) and it is consisted of bits, usually in groups of 8.

Compilers and Interpreterscompiler is a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms source code written in binary into another computer language (usually English). An interpreter is what the name implies, a program that executes and analyzes another program, line by line.

Source Code and Object Code: Source codes are a listing of commands to be gathered together and assembled into a program that is to be executed. An object code is the binary version of the source code. The computer can only understand the object code, and therefore executes programs using it. 

Blog - My Perspective on Computer Architecture

Computer architecture is something I don't really have any interest in. The only thing I like about it is that we get something called "programming" out of it, which then allows me to play my games, browse the web, and take notes in class easier so I can get better grades. Nothing of particular that I am specialized in computer architecture. I don't really know anything about this, but I do know the name of this thingie called HTML. Oh, and JAVA.

How do computers understand what we type?

Well, there is binary, and that sends a message to the computer so that it knows what to type and what to search up, etc. I know about that 0,1,0,1 thingie. I learned it maybe 4 years ago?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Systems Thinking

1) A system is an entity of objects that work together to function as a whole.
2) A system works by utilizing the subordinate modules in a certain pattern/order in order for it to function as best as it can.
3) Programming is like a system; you need a perfect amount of coding and certain parts in order for it to work.